Manual lifter to change moulds with side handling

sliding platform_on_Handy_plus_lifterCustomer: engineering industry

Requirement: handle metal moulds of 150 kg both from the side and front to position them inside or extract them from machinery

Analysis: after several on-site inspections and tests carried out by out area representative together with the customer’s dealer, it became necessary to be able to move the moulds from the front and side to position inside machinery used by the company. 

Solution: A special version of the Handy Plus mini lifter was designed and developed. The hydraulic pedal pump enables quick ascent without any stress on the platform. The platform, which is equipped with load-bearing balls, enables handling operations of moulds in any direction to assist operators when inserting them, also in small or difficult spaces.The platform has three concealed removable sides that guarantee stability of the load during handling, and since they can be lowered individually, it is possible to slide the mould out from the required side whilst keep the other sides lifted, thus ensuring operator safety. Transfer is carried out manually by means of a handwheel assembled on a worm screw rod.

  • steering on_no_end_screw_for_sliding_table
  • balls platform_with_safaty_load_stops_on_manual_lifter
  • foot pedal_pump_for_manual_lifter_Handy_Plus